♪Jewel's Music ♪

Friday, March 30, 2012

" Ku Bou " O.o

今天早上凉风习习 ,
阿爸轻轻拍我的手臂叫我醒 。
到了学校 ,一切如常 。
我与从3年级就认识朋友——Kath一起先聊着 。
她突然冒出一句吃大便啦 !
虽然我知道她不是在说我 ,
但还是骂了她一句 。
她就不理睬我了 :(
现在感到好对不起她 ,
不知真么面对他 。
看来要 "ku bou" 也难了 @.@
只是希望他可以原谅我 。
好了,现在要去写原谅信给 Kath 了 。
拜拜 *.*

Monday, March 26, 2012

Happy Buffday & Brand New Style ~

(It look kind of like this but not exactly)

Happy 51st Birthday , Papa ! (muack)
Well , I want to wish daddy 生日快乐 & 笑口常开 :P

By the way ,
I just cut my hair yesterday ,
Brand new style .
It makes me look sooo noob and ugly >.<
I'm sorry 'cause can't post my picture for you .

At last ,
Have a good night ^^

Friday, March 16, 2012


因为不能拥有她 ,
所以只好默默地为她付出 。

因为她不是我的 ,
所以她想和谁在一起 ,

因为她的人太好 ,
所以人缘好 。

因为人缘好 ,
所以竞争就多了 。

因为表面看起来是这样 ,
所以不去在乎 ,
就算要在乎也太迟了 。

因为她不知道 ,
所以不能和她谈心事 。

虽然她并没有说过 ,
但我也明白 。

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Hate Her :(

6th day of school holiday .
There's only one word can describe , BORING !
Monday until Friday also tuition .
I'm sorry for long time no posting (sorry) ^^
Today's mood ?
BAD :(
All because Eunice .

I hate her so much until I can even kill her . (angry)
She's so fake .
She always smiling to you but actually she just want to got advantage from you .
Most of my friends hate her .
But my best friend and her are so close and I'm kind like jealous .
( I not the one who always like to jealous >.< )
I just hope she'll some how stay away from us .

I feel better now after writing out my sad things .
That's all for now , bye bye :)